A public safety nonprofit established in 1949.
There is a saying in police work that "somebody always knows."
Many people, however, are hesitant to share what they know due to fear or apathy. The Greater Kansas City Crime Stoppers program breaks through the barriers of fear and apathy by allowing individuals complete anonymity and providing cash incentives in exchange for information leading to an arrest. Crime Stoppers is an invaluable asset to our community in the fight against crime in that it gives good citizens a safe and secure way to give information that may help solve crimes. It pays to do the right thing!
The TIPS Hotline (816-474-TIPS)
Calling the TIPS Hotline is much different than calling the police. When you call 816-474-TIPS, an independent phone line with no caller ID rings in the office of our Crime Stoppers call takers (who are employed by the KCMCC, not the police!).
A call taker will answer the phone with a pen and notepad in hand. They will listen to your tip, perhaps ask a few questions, and only take notes on the information pertaining to the crime. The caller is only referred to as "tipster" and the call taker won't even indicate if the caller is male or female. The tipster is given an id number that can be used to follow up on any cash rewards they might be entitled to. Once the call is complete, the tipster's information is forwarded to the appropriate law enforcement agency, completely devoid of any identifying information.
Crime Stoppers would not work if it were not truly anonymous and safe for our tipsters. We genuinely do not want to know who you are...we just want to know what you know!
Detective Christina Ludwig
Crime Stoppers Coordinator
TIPS Hotline 816-474-TIPS (8477)

Crime Stoppers also has a scholastic TIP program which allows students to anonymously report crimes via the P3 TIPS app. School Resource Officers are able to quickly respond to threats and prevent tragedies from occurring. The Greater Kansas City Crime Stoppers Scholastic TIPS Program has prevented an astounding 19 suicides from occurring because fellow students have submitted anonymous tips. This invaluable program allows quick response and is actively saving the lives of young people in our community.
Take Action Today
Crime Stoppers relies on cooperation between the police, the media, and the community to provide a flow of information about criminal activity. Opening that line of communication by submitting an anonymous TIP can mean everything to the victims of crime and plays an immeasurable role in making Kansas City a safer place. One TIP can make all the difference, and nobody will ever know but you.

Scanning this code with your mobile phone camera takes you directly to the Crime Stoppers webpage where you can submit felony level info for cash, giving you an easier, faster, convenient, and ANONYMOUS way to SAY IT HERE KC!