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Instilling Change: Crystal Cobb

Updated: Mar 28, 2021

Like many others reentering society after incarceration, former Second Chance participant Crystal Cobb has had to navigate multiple barriers to successfully get back on her feet. With her work ethic and determination, Crystal has worked tirelessly to reestablish herself in the community.

After spending one year incarcerated, Crystal completed inpatient rehab and was then ready to get her life back on track to be able to provide for herself and her kids. Once she was released, she transitioned to a local halfway house and then to an Oxford house in the area. When she was preparing to transition out of the Oxford house, Crystal faced many obstacles while trying to find independent housing with a recent felony.

To help with some of the housing barriers she was facing, Crystal reached out to the Second Chance program. During her time in the program, Crystal received help with finding housing to fit specific needs for her family. This included searching for independent housing, budgeting, access to furniture assistance, and rent assistance. Although she initially enrolled in the program for housing, Crystal is also thankful for the constant moral support she has received. According to Crystal, the staff at Second Chance have encouraged her to think creatively and to try new things.

As of today, Crystal is very active in the Kansas City area. She has been employed at her full-time job for just over a year. If Crystal is not hard at work, she is probably spending time with her kids or working on ideas for a small business with the “Be the Boss” support group. When asked what she is the proudest of, Crystal responded that she is proud of her steady recovery, creating healthy relationships, and being able to provide for her kids like she used to.

Crystal's advice to others in the reentry community would be to take their time and to think through their actions before making any major decisions. She would also suggest asking for help when needed and to not be ashamed of it.

As of January 2021, Crystal successfully graduated from the Second Chance program and will also complete parole later this year. In May, she will celebrate three years of sobriety. We are very proud of Crystal’s personal and professional achievements and look forward to seeing her continue to grow!


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The Kansas City Metropolitan Crime Commission

3100 Broadway Blvd Suite 1234, Kansas City, MO 64111


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