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Is this the world you want to live in?

Updated: Jan 13, 2020


In the world of sports, coaches are frequently quoted as saying” There is no “I” in “TEAM” to emphasize the importance of teamwork and what can be accomplished when everyone works together to reach a common goal.

The Kansas City Metropolitan Crime Commission has a similar philosophy when it comes to tackling the goal of reducing Violent Crime in our communities with one exception. In our sport’s analogy, we will gladly take the “I” the sports world has left behind. “I” can make a difference!

We agree there is no “I” in “TEAM” but there is an “I” in Community. Individuals help form the community team which we are all a part of. Our team doesn’t care about race, sex, your height or weight or even your skill set. Everyone gets a chance to become involved in making their community a safe place to live, work and play.

Local law enforcement agencies, government officials, faith-based groups, social services and a host of other well-meaning organizations have banded together over the years to introduce programs into our communities with the goal of Violent Crime reduction. Some have been successful and we commend them, but we still annually see news of senseless Homicides and Violent Crime totals at an unacceptable rate and being told we are living in one of the “Top 10” most violent cities in the nation. One Homicide is too many, but we must be realistic. No community the size of Kansas City, Missouri or for that matter the overall metropolitan area is likely to ever see a time when there will be a year-end total of ZERO. Extremely sad but very realistic. This does not mean we as citizens should give-up hope of reducing the number of Violent Crimes nor should we settle for an “acceptable” number just to show we have made an impact in this terrible, on-going societal problem.

Please join with us in our efforts to make a difference.

Become Active!

Participate in neighborhood programs such as “Neighborhood Block Watch” and local, national “Night Out against Crime” programs to show you are tired of crime and you are ready to take-back your neighborhood.

“See Something, Say Something.” Report suspicious activities and crimes to your local law enforcement.

Become Involved!

“TIPS” is a tremendously successful program in the Kansas City area and has been available to our citizens since 1982. Over 152, 000 TIPS have been received and NEVER, I repeat NEVER, has a TIPSTER been revealed. You are totally anonymous when you provide vital crime information, nothing more than a Referral Number. TIPS Call takers never ask a single question about your personal identity. Their telephones do not have “Caller ID.” None of your call is ever recorded and no attempts are ever made in anyway to trace your call. You are truly ANONYMOUS!

Make a Difference!

No one can fight this fight alone! Rooting and cheering from the sidelines is just one way of supporting the programs aimed at reducing crime but we also need those able to actively participate. Throughout the metro area are many programs and organizations working to make a difference in our community. Find a program you will enjoy where your personal skills, knowledge and experience can make a difference in someone’s life. Youth mentoring, assisting the Homeless or working side-by-side with law enforcement all will, in their own way, have an impact upon the quality of life individually and in our community.

Change is not easy, nor will it happen overnight but just sitting idly-by will have no impact at all!

The Kansas City Metropolitan Crime Commission’s mission is to provide support to law enforcement and public safety agencies in their pursuit of reducing crime and creating a safer community for everyone. We will not waiver from our mission, but we need your help to accomplish our goals.

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The Kansas City Metropolitan Crime Commission

3100 Broadway Blvd Suite 1234, Kansas City, MO 64111


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