A public safety nonprofit established in 1949.

We're here to help you get back to the starting line.

Please call our office during normal business hours M-F 9a-4p
for a phone screening to see if you qualify for our program. We can be reached at 816-231-0450.
You may be here as someone stuck in the gaps within the cycle of crime, corrections and re-entry. Or maybe you know someone in need of our program services.
The Crime Commission welcomes direct correspondence in favor of our greater mission of making Kansas City safer. We will put you in touch with the right person and program. Thank you for reaching out. You’ve come to the right place.
Who We Help
Must meet all of the following:
Be on Missouri State Supervised Probation or Parole - regardless of the offense
Resident of Kansas City, MO proper - Jackson County
If you live in Clay County, you must have a Kansas City, MO proper address
Active participant in Job Club
Must attend a minimum of one in-person Job Club for Case Management program assistance. You must complete a phone screening with the Services Coordinator.
What We Do
Second Chance assists with three main areas in the following ways:
Job Readiness Training
Access to felon-friendly employers in the Kansas City metro area
Basic Resume and Cover letter building skills
Interviewing skills - e.g. how to explain your offense to a potential employer
Transportation assistance
Referrals for clothing, work boots, and other employment services
Probation/Parole & Personal Needs
Community Service fee assistance
Positive officer/client relationship reinforcement
Access to substance abuse and/or mental health programming
Access to education programs (GED/Diploma, On-the-Job Training, Higher Education)
Access to basic health needs (eye glasses, prescriptions, etc.)

Second Chance
3100 Broadway, Suite 1230
Kansas City, MO 64111-2658
Phone: 816-231-0450
Office Hours: Monday–Friday
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Attend a Second Chance Program Event
Job Club
Job Club is a weekly job readiness class set to enhance the employability of those who have been involved with the criminal justice system. Instructors are trained in evidence-based workforce development and have created a curriculum that is designed for the justice involved population. Each week, we review employers who are “felon-friendly” and hiring in the Kansas City area and discuss real-life employment skills, such as explaining a criminal background during an interview.
Please contact our office for a phone screening for eligibility to attend our weekly Job Club sessions. You must be signed up to attend.
Tuesday Job Club
Begins at 2:00pm
The Kansas City Metropolitan Crime Commission
Second Chance Risk Reduction Center
3100 Broadway Blvd, Suite 1230
Kansas City, MO 64111
Kansas City has a lot to offer for those who are releasing to the area. Welcome Back is a quarterly event designed as a one-stop information shop on what resources are available to those who are releasing back to the area. Presenters include a variety of community agencies covering a host of topics such as education resources, mental & physical health needs, basic assistance such as food, health and transportation support, etc. Our goal is to provide a sense of hope and a practical plan for success.
The Greater Kansas City Reentry Team is comprised of members from the corrections community, behavioral health providers, educators, employment specialists and other community partners. We strive to share best practices for returning citizens to meet their needs for housing and employment options, treatment and other areas to assist them in becoming a part of the community. Each quarterly meeting is designed to be educational for attendees and provide a forum for sharing resources and ideas.

Who can attend: If you are continually challenged to meet hiring goals for your organization, this event is for you!
Purpose of this event: Learn how your team can get the best return on your investment when interacting with untapped parts of the talent pool in our region.
What to expect:
Learn about business benefits and government incentives for fair hiring and second chance hiring
Connect with agency partners to find hard-to-reach applicants
Get up to speed on regulatory factors facing our metro area
Win two FREE tickets from Southwest Airlines
Enjoy a catered lunch from Second Chance graduate Chef Jah of Emperor's Delights
For questions, please contact Brittany Peterson at bpeterson@kc-crime.org.